Limited-edition hand-blown drinking glasses delivered to your door.

Spoil yourself or someone special with the gift of artistic drink ware, you deserve it.   Subscribe to receive beautifully designed drinking glasses delivered to your door every month.   Those of you familiar with James’ work know he loves color and often takes his inspiration from what’s happening in the world.

Gift Subscriptions available

Complimentary handwritten not included in the first gift subscription shipment.

The first in the series is “COVID BLUES.”

During these difficult and troubling times, turmoil and pain has seeped into every aspect of our lives here and around the world, I wanted to create an artistic piece that offers hope and inspiration. Choosing various blues to represent the oceans and a breath of fresh air, filled with light, sparkle and hope.

As you turn your new James Stone custom art piece, as you fill it with the liquid of your choosing and drink from it, please keep in mind that there is hope and somehow together we will find a path through these troubling times to a place back to beauty, serenity and love.

Thank you for your support, stay strong.

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